8x10 Pinhole Camera and Double Exposure

I haven’t done a lot of work with a pinhole camera lately but looking at this image makes me feel inspired to break out the 8x10 pinhole camera and take it for a spin. This image was made under bright sunny conditions on an 8x10 piece of Ilford RC paper. I metered the exposure at ISO 3 and exposed for about ten seconds with the model in the frame, and then another ten seconds with the model out of the frame.

Photographed with an 8x10 pinhole camera and Ilford RC paper.

Pinhole photography has always been very hit or miss for me. For every frame that I enjoy, there are probably about twenty that I don’t. That might sound a little defeatist but in a way that is something I actually like about it. The bad images can be a little discouraging, but when I get an image that I really like it feels like I did something extraordinary. Plus it can be really nice working with paper negatives. It keeps the costs down to a minimum which allows a bit more freedom to experiment.